Presenting a whole new Word Cloud

Take a look at the words that are most important to your brand.

The language in a brand’s posts can determine the engagement and ultimately, the overall success of a brand. Considering how important this is, we’ve prioritized on revamping our Facebook and Twitter Word Clouds.

Find a Word Cloud for any brand on Facebook and Twitter under Analyze Profiles > Word Cloud.

Our whole new Word Cloud is synced with Xia, our AI, to give you the best results. Xia follows the language of any brand’s Posts and extracts noun phrases. She then brings them together in a cloud. The new version tracks not just words, but also hashtags and emojis.

Words that appear darker indicate higher average Engagement and words that look bigger indicate more posts containing that word.

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What’s even better is that we’ll give you word clouds for posts spanning extensive time periods. Bonus: it’s super fast.

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