Customizing your Instagram Compare Overview

In the big world of social data, is one metric more important than another? No, because different brands and industries find value in different metrics. While one might be most concerned about Follower Growth, another might see Campaigns as an important metric.

This is why we felt it was important that you could customize how you see some parts of the platform via our Instagram Compare Overview. Head over to Instagram > Compare Groups > Overview and click ‘Customize.

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By customizing what metrics you see, you can get a good sense of how a brand is performing in relation to competitors with just a single look. Now, you can choose to display metrics like Followers, Interactions, Share of Voice and Most Engaging Time amongst others and hide the less important ones.

Once you choose the metrics you’d like displayed, hover over them to see the progress you’ve made over a certain time period.

Of course, you’ll have access to the metrics you’ve chosen to hide in other sections of the app.

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