Find Facebook and Instagram posts with images featuring particular objects
People use Discover to find awesome content that you can filter by industry, geography, social network and brand, but what if you could filter even further? Introducing our Objects filter, where you can further filter content by an object found in the images of your posts.
As of now, this is available for content on Facebook and Instagram. Here’s how you do it.
Filter content by object
After typing the keywords of your search or even clicking one of our suggested topics, click on the picture icon in the search bar. Say for National Hamburger Day, you’re looking for posts with french fries in its images.
Type in the object in the search bar. You might get suggestions for your search, click on the word if you see your suggestion. If not, click Enter or Return once you type in the object. Then click Apply.
As this algorithm is still learning, we might not have all the objects in the world in our repository, but we keep updating it so that most day-to-day objects are included.
Remember, you can use a combination of filters including our advanced keywords search and our new colors filter. Or, you could simply search for an object posts without any keywords by simply clicking on one of the objects on the homepage or applying only the object filter.
Find the most used objects for a certain topic
Curious to see what kind of objects brands used in their images for content around a certain topic? Once you’ve made a search, click on the Analysis tab and scroll down to Image Analysis to see the most popular objects brands used in their content. Click on an object to see posts featuring that object. You can also always add these posts to a board.
You'll also find a Word Cloud with words and phrases most often used when brands talk about a topic as well as its popularity across time and across industries.